I painted my dad with watercolors. By the way, before you ask, I’m going to tell you that the little brown spots on his face are not acne. They were supposed to be freckles, but it didn’t turn out so good. Even with a tiny brush, it’s extremely hard to make freckles with a paintbrush. The sun also got splattered with some blue. And the eyes look as if I were trying to draw them while I was either half asleep or in a coma. His eyebrows I accidentally painted different colors, so it looks like he has only one eyebrow. And the little freckles on his arm, which are pencil made, didn’t turn out well. Okay, now that I’m done being a pessimist, I’ll point out the actually good parts of the painting. I’m not exactly sure if the shirt says exactly the same thing it says in real life, but I know he has a black shirt with Microsoft in big white letters with the Microsoft symbol right next to it. And I’m positive that the logo is painted the right colors in the right spots. The hat on the top of his head is supposed to say “Brasfield & Gorrie” Which is the name of the company he works for as an IT, which is not just plain old it, as I was told many years ago, in the days of yonder and yore, when I was young and energetic. Personally, I think it should stand for “Intelligent Tech dudes,” which sounds way more funny. But it actually stands for “Information Technology,” which sounds all fancy, but kind of dull. I like “Intelligent Tech dudes” way better.
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