Category: Blogging

  • It Has Been A While…

    I haven’t posted in while.  Since July actually.  It has been rather busy around here.  I may have mentioned before that I have 4 kids.  You may already know Carolyn, since she posts on here from time to time.  I also have 2 kids in high school that are in the marching band.  Marching band…

  • I Broke It!

    I have a few things to mention today. First, I broke my server on Tuesday. I came home from work, and got a notice that my blog was down. It happens rather often lately (more in a minute). In an effort to reduce the frequency of the outages, I decided to change how my server…

  • Behind Schedule

    Since I started blogging on this particular site, I have been doing a pretty good job of maintaining a somewhat consistent posting schedule.  I had even gotten enough content ready that I had it scheduled out several weeks (at two posts a week). Unfortunately, I allowed my work ahead to lull me into a more…

  • Blogging Stuff

    There are a lot of people that blog (or perhaps, journal) on a daily basis.  I am not one of those people.  I have claimed (mostly to myself) that I want to write a book.  I have been making that claim for about 4 or 5 years now.  I even took a “Creative Writing Habits”…