ChatGPT – AI Writing
Ruining the market? I read an article about how ChatGPT is now the author or co-author of over 200 books on Amazon. It is expected that there are many more that haven’t disclosed the use of ChatGPT in the writing. I briefly toyed with the idea, thinking that it might help me be more confindent…
50% Evil (Part 1)
What if 50% of the people you know were evil. I know social media and even news media make it seem like you should be scared of everyone, because evil is so rampant. But I know the truth. The Karulans are here, and they have been for centuries. They appear to be normal people but…
Writing Samples Coming Soon
The point of this blog (I think) is for me to be able to practice writing fiction. There will be lots of posts where I talk about random thoughts or ideas that I have. Perhaps some posts about tools that I use (because.. why not?). And there will be samples of fiction writing. Now, to…
The Blog Has Been Deployed
I finally created a new blog. Or at least, I completed the install for it. I haven’t posted anything on it yet, and right now if you were to go to it, it wouldn’t respond. (The site is ‘stopped’ in IIS). My intention is to get a post published on it soon. Probably in the…
The World Revolves Around Me
The site name (TheWorldRevolvesAroundMichael) came from a joke with a radio show. In the early 2000’s there was a morning radio show with “Beaner & Ken”. I used to listen to them on my way to work each day. One of the things that I liked about the show was a weather segment with ‘Vulcan’.…
Why Do I Think I Want to Write?
I first latched onto the idea of becoming a writer because my daughter mentioned wanting to be an author when she grows up. She was in 5th or 6th grade. She is an avid reader and the idea of being an author appealed to her. She even started writing stories for fun. I don’t think…
What if I had a Blog?
I have been thinking that having a blog related to writing would be a good idea. To be clear, I am talking about a blog that is about my writing not a blog about how to be a writer. I am not a professional writer. I am not really even an amateur writer. Since I…
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! I choose to leave the Hello World! post, but I wanted to edit it so that you didn’t think I did that by accident. Ha!