Tag: Random

  • Monkey Fist

    I took a writing class last year. The class was about the habit of writing, rather than the craft of writing. As such, it had daily writing prompts and weekly discussions about our writing with various types of exercises to get you writing. One of the class assignments was to bring an inanimate object. I…

  • Argumentative Writing – Is TikTok Safe for Kids

    Everyone loves TikTok, right? But is it truly safe for kids? I don’t think so. First of all, TikTok has inappropriate content. Some of the shots have swearing and violence that is not kid friendly. These clips can encourage young users to imitate inappropriate behavior. Nobody wants kids to be acting more… shall we say,…

  • Unique Painting

    I’ve got to admit, my titles are less than satisfactory. But never mind that. This painting is… shall we call it… unique because it’s painted on a paper towel. Bounty, to be specific. Whenever I think of Bounty I think of a quote from their ad. “Bounty, the quicker picker-upper.” It looks a bit messy,…

  • Excerpt: Escape of the AI

    This was a rough start of a story, that I started writing a while back.  Since I wrote this, I have figured out how badly this story starts.  Probably a good thing I didn’t finish, don’t you think? Ed was nervous. Today was an important day, but you wouldn’t know it to look at him.…

  • Those at the top

    A recent study found that intelligence only gets you so far and that those at the top are slightly less intelligent that those beneath them. There so many things that can be said about that. It is the joke that everyone wants to tell. When I was in the Navy, the enlisted tended to feel…

  • 50% Evil – Revised

    I recently shared a draft of this short piece.  I generally have an optimistic view of the world, so I was endeavoring to write an ‘opposite’.  I had an idea that this might be a way to start a bit of satire. Perhaps, you can see the potential.  This is (I think) better than the…

  • The World Revolves Around Me

    The site name (TheWorldRevolvesAroundMichael) came from a joke with a radio show. In the early 2000’s there was a morning radio show with “Beaner & Ken”. I used to listen to them on my way to work each day. One of the things that I liked about the show was a weather segment with ‘Vulcan’.…

  • What if I had a Blog?

    I have been thinking that having a blog related to writing would be a good idea. To be clear, I am talking about a blog that is about my writing not a blog about how to be a writer. I am not a professional writer. I am not really even an amateur writer. Since I…