Tag: carolyn

  • How I Found a Pot of Gold: Chapter One: A Poopish Day

    I was walking along the road when suddenly a clover popped out at me and pooped on my face. I really hate it when that happens. Bit nasty if you ask me. Unless humans think differently. Then it’s delightful? Really not the most delightful and happy thing to me, especially if you’ve had a bad…

  • How I Found a Pot of Gold: Introduction

    Hi. I’m Georgie the leprechaun. I am not a boy. Most leprechauns think I’m a boy. Maybe humans are smarter than leprechauns sometimes and don’t mistake me for a boy. I hope so. This story is complicated. I’m just warning you now before you read. Oh yeah. I’ll tell you about life here as a…

  • Images: Good or Bad?

    One of the regular suggestions I see, (when I am looking) in the WordPress and online presence guidance, is add pictures/ images/ thumbnails/ icons/ logos to your work.  I mean, I did that for my ‘professional’ blog.  It has a logo that I created, from things that are important to me, and are a part…

  • Argumentative Writing – Is TikTok Safe for Kids

    Everyone loves TikTok, right? But is it truly safe for kids? I don’t think so. First of all, TikTok has inappropriate content. Some of the shots have swearing and violence that is not kid friendly. These clips can encourage young users to imitate inappropriate behavior. Nobody wants kids to be acting more… shall we say,…

  • Unique Painting

    I’ve got to admit, my titles are less than satisfactory. But never mind that. This painting is… shall we call it… unique because it’s painted on a paper towel. Bounty, to be specific. Whenever I think of Bounty I think of a quote from their ad. “Bounty, the quicker picker-upper.” It looks a bit messy,…

  • Train Pig

    This painting is one that I drew first in pencil, which isn’t true with a lot of my paintings, as they’re abstract. This is more for humor than anything else. In case my handwriting is too bad to be read, the Piglet, whose name is Avocado, is thinking “Where’s Mom? There’s a stink nearby…” and…

  • Dad!

    I painted my dad with watercolors. By the way, before you ask, I’m going to tell you that the little brown spots on his face are not acne. They were supposed to be freckles, but it didn’t turn out so good. Even with a tiny brush, it’s extremely hard to make freckles with a paintbrush.…

  • The Storm of Abstractness

    I painted my very first actually abstract painting. I honestly have absolutely no clue what it is. It looks kind of like a storm, so that’s why I called it The Storm of Abstractness. It would probably sound more professional if I dropped the -ness on the abstractness, but I’ll live if it’s not perfect,…

  • The Emotional Painting

    The reason I call this painting the Emotional Painting is because it has a big, black streak down the middle, symbolizing the hurt, and hatred and darkness that can lie beneath the happy, calm person on the outside. Yet the two shades of pink I used right next to the black streak symbolizes the love…

  • My Second Painting

    My name is Carolyn Phillips, and I’m the 9-year-old daughter of the creator of this website. My first painting I’d like to describe and explain about is my painting of an Orangey Yellowy squid, titled “The Sea #1”. I did that one because… well, it was cute and fun. It has some lush, green plant…